Professor Emeritus
School of Criminology
Simon Fraser University
Surrey, British Columbia
Office: School of Criminology
Simon Fraser University – Surrey Campus
Central City Galleria 5 5172
250-13450 102 Avenue
Surrey, BC Canada V3T 0A3
TEL: (778-782-8418)
FAX: (778-782-4712)
Personal website:;
Ph.D. (Sociology). 1977. University of Montana.
M.A.: (Sociology). 1974. University of Montana.
B.A.: (Political Science). 1970. University of Montana.
M.A. THESIS: “Factors Associated with Parole Board Decision Making in Montana.”
Ph.D. DISSERTATION: “The Sources of Variability in Juvenile Court Decision Making: An Organizational Analysis.
- The Criminal Justice Process
- Policing
- Organizational Dynamics and Operational Policing
- Strategies for Resource Allocation, Deployment and Response
- Health and Wellness of Police Officers
- Evaluations of Police Performance
- The Internal and External Landscapes of Policing
- Police Officer Decision Making and Use of Force
- Policing Communities of Diversity
- Strategies for Building Police Legitimacy and Trust
- Police Oversight and Accountability
- Corrections
- Offenders in the Corrections System
- The Formulation and Application of Corrections Policy
- The Effectiveness of Correctional Interventions
- The Organizational Dynamics of Corrections
- Parole Board Decision Making
- Indigenous Peoples and Criminal Justice
- The Delivery of Justice Services to Indigenous Communities
- Indigenous Peoples and the Police
- Building Community Capacities
- Training Justice Professionals
- Comparative Criminal Justice (policing; at-risk youth; justice and security)
- Legal Reform and Capacity-Building
- Strategies for Building and Sustaining Community and System Capacities
- Community and Restorative Justice
- The Dynamics of Community Justice
- The Design and Delivery of Effective Development Initiatives
B.C. Asia Pacific University Scholar Award. For residency in the Department of Human Sciences, Tokiwa University, Mito, Ibaraki-ken Japan. April-May, 1993.
Visiting Professor. United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders, 85th International Training Course, “Wider Use and More Effective Implementation of Non-Custodial Measures for Offenders.” Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan. April-June, 1990.
Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. 1988.
Visiting Fellow. The Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Psychology. American University in Cairo, Egypt. 1983-84.
Griffiths, C.T. and D. Murdoch. 2026. Canadian Corrections. 7th ed. Toronto: Emond. Forthcoming.
Griffiths, C.T. and J.J. Murphy. Canadian Police Work. 6th ed. Toronto: Emond. Forthcoming.
Griffiths, C.T. 2025. Canadian Criminal Justice. 7th ed. Toronto: Emond.
Griffiths, C.T. and D. Murdoch. 2022. Canadian Corrections. 6th ed. Toronto: TopHat.
Griffiths, C.T. 2020. Canadian Police Work. 5th ed. Toronto: Nelson.
Griffiths, C.T. 2019. Canadian Criminal Justice: A Primer. 6th ed. Toronto: Nelson.
Whitelaw, B., R. Parent, and C.T. Griffiths. 2006. Community-Based Strategic Policing in Canada. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.
Jackson, M.A. and C.T. Griffiths. 1991. Canadian Criminology: Perspectives on Crime and Society. Toronto: Harcourt Brace. 2nd Edition. 1995.
Research Reports
Sopow, E.L. and C.T. Griffiths. 2023. THE FORGOTTEN FEW: A Research Study of the Workplace Cultures and Lived Experiences of Civilian Employees in British Columbia Royal Canadian Mounted Police Detachments and the E-Comm Emergency Response Centres.
Porteous, M., Y Dandurand, and C.T. Griffiths. Review of the Combined Special Forces Enforcement Unit. Victoria: Policing and Security Branch.
Vaughan, A., T. Stamatakis, G. MacDonald, and C.T. Griffiths. The Victimization of Police Officers: A National Study of Police Officers. Ottawa: Canadian Police Association. In progress.
Griffiths, C.T., E. Sopow, and J.J. Murphy. 2022. Resource Review of the RCMP and Policing Services, City of Prince George, B.C. Prince George, BC: City of Prince George.
Griffiths, C.T. and E. Sopow. 2022. Resource Review of the RCMP, Policing Services, Fire and Rescue, Bylaws and Community Safety Officers. City of Penticton, BC. Penticton, BC: City of Penticton.
Griffiths, C.T. and Y. Dandurand. 2022. Reflections on the Federal Policing Mandate of the RCMP and the Role of Law Enforcement in National Security and Intelligence
Paper prepared for The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians. Ottawa.
Griffiths, C.T. 2022. Interagency Communication, Collaboration, and Interoperability Within Police Services and Between Police Services and Other Emergency Services. Report for the Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Commission. Halifax.
Griffiths, C.T., E. Sopow, and J.J. Murphy. 2021. The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Sworn Officers and Civilians in the Victoria, British Columbia Police Department: Current Issues and a Way Forward. Victoria, B.C.: Victoria City Police Union and Victoria Police Department.
Griffiths, C.T. 2021. Surrey Police Service Community Consultation: Findings from Interviews and Focus Group Sessions with Community Stakeholders. Surrey, B.C.: Surrey Police Service.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, and J.J. Murphy. 2020. Evaluation of the Metro Vancouver Transit Police Service Delivery Model. New Westminster, BC: Metro Vancouver Transit Police.
Oppal, Hon. W. (Chair). 2019. Surrey Policing Transition. Report of the Provincial Municipal Policing Transition Study Committee. Committee member. Victoria: Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
City of Vancouver, City of Surrey, Vancouver Police Department, and C.T. Griffiths. 2019. Surrey Policing Transition Plan. Surrey: City of Surrey.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, J.J. Murphy, and B. Jette. 2019. Kelowna RCMP and Police Services Resource Review. Kelowna, BC: City of Kelowna.
Griffiths, C.T., A. Ripley, and M. Porteous. 2019. IIO Investigator Training Program Review. Victoria: Ministry of the Attorney General.
Montgomery, R., C.T. Griffiths, N. Pollard, J. Murphy, and A. Ripley. 2019. Vancouver Police Board Street Check Review. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Board.
Montgomery, R., C.T. Griffiths, A. Ripley, J. Murphy, H. Todd, and R. Woolston. 2019. JIBC Police Academy Curriculum Review. Victoria: Police Services, Policing and Security Branch, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
City of Vancouver, City of Surrey, Vancouver Police Department, and C.T. Griffiths. 2019. Surrey Policing Transition Plan. Surrey, BC: City of Surrey.
Griffiths, C.T., R. Montgomery, and J.J. Murphy. 2018. The City of Edmonton Street Checks Policy & Practice Review. Edmonton: Edmonton Police Commission.
Executive Summary.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, J.J. Murphy, P. Heard, et al. 2017. Vancouver Police Operational Review. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department.
Montgomery, R. and C.T. Griffiths. 2017. Contemporary Policing Responsibilities. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada. Research Summary.
Montgomery, R. and C.T. Griffiths 2016. The Use of Private Security Services for Policing. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, and J.J. Murphy. 2016. Saanich Police Department Patrol Division Review. Saanich, BC: Saanich Police Department.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, and J.J. Murphy. 2016. Vancouver Police Department Tenure Study. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, and J.J. Murphy. 2016. Delta Police Department Patrol Workload Analysis and Review. Delta, BC: Delta Police Department.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Pollard. 2016. An Evaluation of the Vancouver Police Department Community Safety Personnel Pilot Project. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department and Vancouver Police Union.
Pollard, N., C.T. Griffiths, and L. Kitt. 2015. The Mental Health of Police Officers: Findings from the Vancouver Police Department Health and Wellness Survey. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Union.
Griffiths, C.T., M. Tatz, and J.J. Murphy. 2015. Improving Police Efficiency – Challenges and Opportunities. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Pollard. 2014. The Options for Police Service Delivery in the City of Richmond. Richmond, BC: City of Richmond.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Pollard. 2015. Beyond the 20% Factor: An Analysis of Calls by the Toronto Police Service. Toronto: Toronto Police Association.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, and B. Glackman. 2014. An Evaluation Framework for the B.C. Transit Police Deployment Model. New Westminster: BC Transit Police Service.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Pollard. 2014. The RCMP Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT): A Review of Effectiveness and Efficiency. Surrey, BC: “E” Division, RCMP.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Pollard. 2014. Policing Options for the City of Richmond. Final Report. Richmond: City of Richmond.
Griffiths, C.T., and N. Pollard. 2014. Transit Users’ Feelings of Safety and Security. Vancouver: South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Police Service.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, and J. Murphy. 2014. Transit Police Proactive Time Study: Results of a Pilot Project. Vancouver: South Coast British Columbia Transit Authority Police Service.
Griffiths, C.T. and T. Stamatakis. 2013. The Economics of Policing: A Closer Look. Ottawa: Canadian Police Association.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Pollard. 2013. Financial Verification of Police Transition Costs. Prepared for the City of Richmond, B.C.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, et al. 2013. The Winnipeg Police Service: An Operational Review. Ottawa: Canadian Police Association.
Griffiths, C.T., J.J. Murphy, and S.R. Snow. 2013. Baseline for Policing Research in Canada. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada.
Griffiths, C.T. 2010. The Delivery of Policing Services in Remote and Rural Communities: Issues and Challenges for RCMP M Division. Prepared for the Steering Committee, “Review of Yukon’s Police Force”. Whitehorse.
Griffiths, C.T. 2010. Measuring Police Performance: Moving Toward Best Practices. Edmonton: Office of Strategy Management, RCMP K Division.
Griffiths, C.T. and T.H. Fennig. 2010. A University-Led Program of Research in Alberta: Potential Partnerships and a Framework for University-Police Collaboration. Edmonton: Office of Strategy Management, RCMP K Division.
Griffiths, C.T. and D. Murdoch. 2009. Strategies and Best Practices Against Overcrowding in Correctional Institutions. Prepared for presentation at the 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, April, 2010, Salvador, Brazil. Vancouver: International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy.
Dandurand, Y. C.T. Griffiths, and V. Chin. 2008. “Training and Effective Support of Comprehensive Justice and Security Reforms: Outcomes to Date and Lessons Learned.” In K. Aromaa and S. Redo, eds. For the Rule of Law: Criminal Justice Teaching and Training Across the World. Helsinki, Finland: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control. 53-67.
Griffiths, C.T. and T. H. Fennig. 2008. Dispatch for the City of Red Deer: Current Practice, Outcomes, and Options. Red Deer, Alberta: City of Red Deer.
Dandurand, Y., C.T. Griffiths, D. Murdoch, and R.E. Brown. 2008. Failed Social Reentry: Factors Behind Conditional Release Violations, Suspensions, and Revocations. Vancouver: International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy.
Vancouver Police Department, C.T. Griffiths, and S. Easton. 2008. Options for Service Delivery in the Greater Vancouver Region: A Discussion Paper of the Issues Surrounding the Regionalization of Police Services. Vancouver: Planning, Research and Audit Section, Vancouver Police Department.
Griffiths, C.T. and R. Grosul. 2007. Crime Reduction Strategies: An Evaluation of Policy Implementation and the Impact of Crime Reduction in K Division. Edmonton: RCMP “K” Division.
Palmer, A., P. Heard, S. Demers, N. Pollard, B. Polydore, N. Teixeira, and C.T. Griffiths. 2007. Vancouver Police Department Operational Review, Phase 2 Report. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department.
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, and D. Murdoch. 2007. The Social Reintegration of Offenders and Crime Prevention. Ottawa: Policy, Research and Evaluation Division, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, and D. Murdoch. 2007. Diversion of Juveniles in Conflict with the Law in Vietnam. Desk Review of Vietnamese Laws, Policies and Practices Relating to the Diversion of Juveniles in Conflict with the Law. Hanoi: UNICEF.
Demers, S., A. Palmer, and C.T. Griffiths. 2007. Vancouver Police Department Patrol Deployment Study. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department and the City of Vancouver.
Dandurand, Y. and C. T. Griffiths. 2006. Handbook on Restorative Justice. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Criminal Justice Response Unit – Rule of Law Section.
Griffiths, C.T. 2006. Building Sustainable Police-Community Partnerships in Limburg-Zuid: Research Findings and Strategies. A Report Prepared for the Limburg-Zuid Regional Police. Maastricht, Netherlands.
Griffiths, C.T., A. Palmer, S. Demers, B. Polydore and J.K.N. Chan. 2006. The Use of Overtime in the Vancouver Police Department: A Preliminary Report. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department and the City of Vancouver.
Griffiths, C.T., A. Palmer, L. Weeks, B. Polydore, V. Chin, M. LaLonde, and R. Montgomery. 2006. Civilianization in the Vancouver Police Department. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department and the City of Vancouver.
Riordan, H., D. Weibe, C.T. Griffiths, and Y. Dandurand. 2006. Vancouver Police Department Strategic Operating Plan. Vancouver: Vancouver Police Department and the City of Vancouver.
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, R. Montgomery, P.N. Tinsley, V. Chin, and J.K.N. Chan. 2005. Review of the Vancouver Police Department’s Staffing Requirements: A Report Submitted to the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Police Board. Abbotsford, B.C.: University College of the Fraser Valley.
Griffiths, C.T. 2005. The Effective Response to Crime and Social Disorder: Developing Sustainable Police-Community Partnerships in Limburg-Zuid. Phase I Interim Report. Prepared for the Limburg-Zuid Regional Police. Maastricht, Netherlands.
Dandurand, Y., V. Chin, C.T. Griffiths, M. LaLonde, and B. Tkachuk. 2004. Programming Opportunities in the Justice and Security Sectors in the Caribbean. A Report Presented to The Caribbean Programme, Canadian International Development Agency. Ottawa.
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, V. Chin, and J. Chan. 2004. Confident Policing in a Troubled Community. An Evaluation of the Vancouver Police Department’s City-wide Enforcement Team Initiative. A report prepared for the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Agreement Coordination Committee.
Griffiths, C.T. 2003. The Police and Racial Profiling: A Review of the Literature, An Assessment of the Star Analysis of the CIPS Data, and a Selected Re-Analysis of the Star Data. Toronto: Toronto Police Association.
C.T. Griffiths and T. Fennig. 2003. The Delta (B.C.) Police Officer Resignation Survey. Final Report. Prepared for the Delta Police Association.
Griffiths, C.T. 2003. Kanadas Kriminalas Tiesvedibas Sistema: Iss Parskats. Prepared for the Ministry of Justice, Republic of Latvia and the Lativan Legal Capacity Reform Project. Riga, Latvia.
Griffiths, C.T. 2002. Perceptions of Crime, Neighbourhood and Notions of Community Among Aboriginal Peoples in the Downtown Eastside, Vancouver. Report prepared for the National Community Research Project, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
Bell, S., R. Corrado, Y. Dandurand, and C.T. Griffiths. 2002. The Legal Reform Capacity Program Latvia. Report of the Advisory Panel. Ottawa: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.
Griffiths, C.T., D. Wood, and P. Lewis. 1995. Crime Prevention in Rural Aboriginal Communities. Ottawa: Aboriginal Policing Directorate, Solicitor General Canada.
Griffiths, C.T., E. Zellerer, D. Wood, and G. Saville. 1995. Crime, Law and Justice Among Inuit in the Baffin Region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Burnaby, B.C.: Criminology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University.
Griffiths, C.T. 1995. Inuit Youth, Inuit Elders and the Victims of Crime. Ottawa: Department of Justice.
Griffiths, C.T., D. Wood, P. Phillips, and R. Mathison. 1995. A Comprehensive Study of the Etiology and Prevalence of Alcohol and Addictive Substance Use and Abuse Among Youth and Young Adults on the Musqueam Indian Reserve. Prepared for the Musqueam Indian Band, Vancouver.
Griffiths, C. T., G. Saville, D. Wood, and Evelyn Zellerer. 1994. Policing the Baffin Region: Findings from the Baffin Region Crime and Justice Study. Burnaby, B.C.: Criminology Research Centre.
Griffiths, C. T. and C. Murphy. 1994. Community Policing in British Columbia. Prepared for the Policing in British Columbia, Commission of Inquiry. Vancouver.
Griffiths, C. T., D. Wood, E. Zellerer and J. Simon. 1993. Aboriginal Policing in British Columbia. Prepared for the Policing in British Columbia, Commission of Inquiry. Vancouver.
Griffiths, C. T. and D. Wood. 1993. Crime, Trouble and the Delivery of Criminal Justice Services to the Canim Lake Band, Canim Lake, British Columbia: A Needs Assessment. Prepared for the Canim Lake Band. Canim Lake, British Columbia.
Griffiths, C.T. and D. Wood. 1993. Aboriginal Peoples of the North and Criminal Justice–A Background Paper. Prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa.
Griffiths, C.T. and the Canim Lake Band Council. 1992. Proposal for a Comprehensive Assessment of Crime, Trouble and the Delivery of Justice Services to the Canim Lake Band, Canim Lake, British Columbia. Submitted to the Aboriginal Justice Development Project, Department of Justice, Ottawa. (Funding received March, 1993.
Griffiths, C.T. and the Canim Lake Band. 1992. Toward a More Equitable Justice System for Aboriginal Peoples. A background paper prepared for The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Round Table on Justice Issues, Ottawa, Ontario. November 25-27, 1992.
Kennedy, M.C., C.T. Griffiths and S. Mehanna. 1989, Delinquency & Social Control in Rural and Urban Egypt: A Tragedy of Modernization.” A Summary Report. Cairo, Egypt: The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. (UNICEF).
Griffiths, C.T., and W.G. Glackman. 1989. Programs and Services for Urban Native Indian Substance Abusers: Initiatives, Outcomes, and Issues. Vancouver: British Columbia Alcohol and Drug Commission.
Griffiths, C.T. 1987. Electronic Monitoring of Offenders: The Application of High Technology in Corrections. Prepared by request of the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders. Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan.
Griffiths, C.T. and M. Nance. 1984. Arctic Bay: A Community and the Court. Documentary film on the administration of justice in the Baffin Region, N.W.T. Canada.
LaPrairie, C. P. and C. T. Griffiths. 1982. Native Indian Juvenile Delinquency in a Northwestern Canadian Community. Vancouver: British Columbia Ministry of Attorney General and the Criminology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University.
Griffiths, C.T. , S. Johnston, and J.J. Murphy. 2024. Body-Worn Camera Policy Review:
Implementation and Policy Template Considerations. Ottawa: Canadian Police Association.
Griffiths, C.T., J. Murphy, S. Johnston, E. Sopow, Y. Dandurand, and V. Chin. 2024. Restructuring the Delivery of Police Services in BC: Regionalization. A Discussion Paper Prepared on Behalf of the BC Association of Municipal Chiefs of Police.
Griffiths, C.T., S. Johnston, and E. Sopow. 2024. The 2024 Surrey Police Service Community Consultation. Prepared for the Surrey Police Service.
Sopow, E.L. and C.T. Griffiths 2024. “Public Safety Urgency to Continue the Transition to the Surrey Police Service: The Oppal Report, RCMP Resistance, and a Clash of Cultures.” Surrey, BC: Surrey Police Service.
Griffiths, C.T., S. Johnston, and E. Sopow. 2024. The 2024 Surrey Police Service Community Consultation. Surrey, BC: Surrey Police Service. SPS Community Consultation Executive Summary.pdf
Porteous, M., Y Dandurand, and C.T. Griffiths. 2023. Review of the Combined Special Forces Enforcement Unit. Victoria, BC: Policing and Security Branch.
Editorship, Special Issues
Co-Guest Editor. (with Rose Ricciardelli, Memorial University). Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. Special Issue. “North of 49: The Dynamics of Canadian Policing,” 18(6). 2017.
Co-Guest Editor. (with Ryan Prox, Vancouver Police Department). Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. Special Issue. 15(4). “Innovations in Crime Analysis and Criminal Intelligence Analysis.” 2015.
Co-Guest Editor. (with G. Bazemore, Florida Atlantic University) Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. Special Issue. “The Police and Restorative Justice.” Volume 4. No. 4. 2003.
Guest Editor. The International Review of Victimology. “Victims in the Process of Restorative Justice.” Volume 6. 1999.
Guest Editor. The International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. “Community Alternatives for Criminal Justice: An International Perspective.” Volume 20(2). 1996.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Dubord. 2023. “Police Leaders as Thinkers: The Many Dimensions of Thought and Action.” In D. Das and A. Verma, eds., Police Leaders as Thinkers. New York: Springer Publishing. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 1-19.
Dubord, N. and C.T. Griffiths. 2021. “Creating a Change Culture in a Police Service: A Case Study of the Role of Police Leadership.” Policing: A Journal of Police Policy and Practice. Special Issue. “Police Leadership Across Canada.” 15(1). 168-180.
Griffiths, C.T. 2021. “Neil Dubord, Chief Constable, Delta, British Columbia Police Department, Canada,” in B.F. Baker and D. K. Das, eds. Trends in Policing: Interviews with Police Leaders Across the Globe. Volume Six. New York: Routledge. 125-138.
Carleton, R.N., T. Afifi, T. Taillieu, S. Turner, J. Mason, R. Ricciardelli, D. McCreary, A. Vaughan, G. Anderson, R. Krakauer, E. Donnelly, R. Camp, D. Groll, H. Cramm, R. MacPhee, and C.T. Griffiths. 2020. “Assessing the Relative Impact of Diverse Stressors Among Public Safety Personnel,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(4), 1234.
Griffiths, C.T. 2019. “Policing and Community Safety in Northern Canadian Communities: Challenges and Opportunities for Crime Prevention.” Crime Prevention & Community Safety. Special Issue. “Rural Crime Prevention.” 21(3), 246-266.
Griffiths, C.T. and R. Ricciardelli. 2019. “Correctional Service Canada,” in R.D. Morgan, ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 214-215.
Carleton, R. N., T.O. Afifi, S, Turner, T. Taillieu, S. Duranceau, D.M. LeBouthillier, J. Sareen, R. Ricciardelli, R.S. MacPhee, D. Groll, K. Hozempa, K., A. Brunet, J. R. Weekes, C.T. Griffiths, K.J. Abrams, N.A. Jones, S. Beshai, H.A. Cramm, K.S. Dobson, S. Hatcher, T.M. Keane, S.H. Steward, and G.J.G. Asmundson. 2018. “Mental Disorder Symptoms Among Public Safety Personnel,” The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 63(1), 54-64.
Carleton, R. N., T.O. Afifi, S. Turner, T. Taillieu, D.M. LeBouthillier, S. Duranceau, J. Sareen, R. Ricciardelli, R.S. MacPhee,D. Groll, K. Hozempa, A. Brunet, J.R. Weekes, C.T. Griffiths, K.J. Abrams, N.A. Jones, S. Beshai, H.A. Cramm, K.S. Dobson, S. Hatcher, T.M. Keane, S.H. Stewart, and G.J.G. Asmundson. 2018. “Suicidal Ideation, Plans, and Attempts Among Public Safety Personnel in Canada,” Canadian Psychology, 59(3), 220-231.
Griffiths, C.T. and S.K. Thompson. 2017. “Clarifying the Concept of Racial Profiling in Canada,” Canadian Diversity, Special Issue, Racial Profiling and Human Rights, 14(1), 28-30.
Ricciardelli, R. and C.T. Griffiths. 2017. “Introduction: North of 49: The Dynamics of Canadian Policing,” Police Practice and Research, Special Issue, 18(6), 524-527.
Griffiths, C.T. and P. Clark. 2017. “Building Police Trust and Legitimacy in a High Demand Environment: The Case of Yukon, Canada.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, Special Issue, “Police Legitimacy.” 40(3), 560-573.
Huey, L., R.R. Ricciardelli, and C.T. Griffiths. 2017. “Policing Terrorism: Canadian Perspectives and Practices.” Cahiers Police Studies. 42. Special Issue, “Ideological Activism and Radicalisation.” 209-218.
Murphy, J.J. and C.T. Griffiths. 2017. “Pioneers in Policing.” In Pioneers in Canadian Criminology, John W. Winterdyk. Ed. Oakville, ON: Rocks Mills Press. 246-265.
Griffiths, C.T. 2016. “Doug LePard, Deputy Chief Constable, Vancouver Police Department.” In B. Baker and D. Das, eds., Trends in Policing: Interviews with Police Leaders Across the Globe. Volume 5. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
Griffiths, C.T. and R. Prox. 2015. “Leading-Edge Policing: Creating the Conditions for Effective Intelligence-Led Policing,” Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 16(2), 99-107.
Griffiths, C.T., N. Pollard, and T. Stamatakis. 2015. “Assessing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of a Police Service: The Analytics of an Operational Review,” Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 16(2), 175-187.
Griffiths, C.T. 2013. “Vern White, Chief Constable, Ottawa Police Service, Canada.” In B. Baker and D. Das, eds., Trends in Policing: Interviews with Police Leaders Across the Globe. Volume 4. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. 91-108.
Dandurand, Y., C.T. Griffiths, and V. Chin. 2008. “Training and Effective Support of Comprehensive Justice and Security Reforms: Outcomes to Date and Lessons Learned.” In K. Aromaa and S. Redo (Eds.), For the Rule of Law: Criminal Justice Teaching and Training Across the World. Helsinki and Seoul: HEUNI and Korean Institute of Criminology. 53-67.
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, and V. Chin. 2006. “Development Assistance and Police Reform: Program Delivery and Lessons Learned.” Canadian Review of Policing Research, 2, 101-112.
Griffiths, C.T. 2004. “District Commander Michel P.A. Baeten, MPA, 11th Precinct, The Rotterdam-Rijnmond Regional Police Department, The Netherlands.” In Otwin Marenin, (ed). “Police Leaders in Their Words.” Special Issue, Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. 371-381.
Griffiths, C.T. 2004. “Chief Janis Gedusevs, Riga Municipal Police, Lativa.” In Otwin Marenin (ed.) “Police Leaders in Their Words.” Special Issue, Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. 353-356.
Balch, R.W., C. T. Griffiths, E. L. Hall and L. T. Winfree. 2003. “The Socialization of Jurors: The Voir Dire as a Rite of Passage”. In Douglas Koski, (ed). The Jury Trial in Criminal Justice. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press. 206-213.
Bazemore, G. and C. Griffiths. 2003. “Police Reform, Restorative Justice and Restorative Policing.” 4 Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. 335-346.
Griffiths, C.T. (with the assistance of Y. Dandurand and B Tkachuk). 2003. “Implementing International Standards in Corrections: Challenges, Strategies and Outcomes.” In The Application of the United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Expert Group Meeting. Vienna, Australia: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 159-166.
Griffiths, C.T. 1999. ‘The Victims of Crime and Restorative Justice: The Canadian Experience.’ 6 International Review of Victimology. 279-294.
Griffiths, C.T. 1998. “Restorative Justice in Canada: Current Developments, Prospects, and Caveats.” In T. Shiibashi, ed. Essays in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Institute for Comparative Law in Japan (Chuo University). Tokyo: Chuo University Press. 795-817.
Griffiths, C.T. and R.R. Corrado. 1998. “Restorative Youth Justice in Canada: The Dynamics of Reform and a Model for Policy and Practice.” In L. Walgrave and G. Bazemore, eds. Restoring Juvenile Justice: An Exploration of the Restorative Justice Paradigm for Reforming Juvenile Justice. Amsterdam/New York: Kugler Publications.
Hatch, A.J. and C.T. Griffiths. 1998. “Youth Crime in Canada: Observations for Cross-Cultural Analysis.” in D. Chang and G.M. Janeksela, eds. Juvenile Delinquency: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Durham, North Carolina: Acorn Press.
Bazemore, G. and C.T. Griffiths. 1997. “Conferences, Circles, Boards, and Mediations: Scouting the ‘New Wave’ of Community Justice Decision Making Approaches.” 61 Federal Probation.(June). 25-38.
Reprinted in E. McLaughlin, R. Fergusson, G. Huges, and L. Westmarland, eds. Restorative Justice: Critical Issues. London: Sage. 2003.
Wood, D. and C.T. Griffiths. 1996. “The Lost Generation: Inuit Youth in Transition to Adulthood.” In B. Galaway and J. Hudson, eds. Youth in Transition: Perspectives on Research and Policy. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing. 328-335.
Griffiths, C.T. 1996. “Community Alternatives for Criminal Justice: An International Perspective: Editor’s Introduction.” 20 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 193.
Griffiths, C.T. 1996. “Spiritual Renewal, Community Revitalization and Healing: Experiences in Aboriginal Justice in Canada.” 20 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 195-208.
Griffiths, C.T. and R. Hamilton. 1996. “Sanctions and Healing: Restorative Justice in Canadian Aboriginal Communities.” in J. Hudson and B. Galaway, (Eds.). Restorative Justice: Theory, Practice, and Research. Monsey, New York: Criminal Justice Press. 175-192.
Griffiths, C.T. and C. Belleau. 1995. “Restoration, Reconciliation and Healing–The Revitalization of Culture and Tradition in Addressing Crime and Victimization in Aboriginal Communities.” In T. Peters and E.A. Fattah, eds. Assistance to Crime Victims in a Comparative Perspective. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. 165-186.
Griffiths, C.T., E. Zellerer, D.S. Wood, and G. Saville. Crime, Law, and Justice Among Inuit in the Baffin Region, N.W.T., Canada. Burnaby: Criminology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University.
Winfree, L.T., C.T. Griffiths, and C.S. Sellers. 1995. “Social Learning Drug Use and American Indian Youth: A Cross-Cultural Test. In R. Berger, Ed. The Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
Griffiths, C.T. 1995. “Crime, Law and Justice in the Circumpolar North: The Greenlandic
Experience in a Comparative Context.” In T. Agersnap. (Ed.). Crime, Law and Justice in Greenland: A Contemporary Perspective. Copenhagen: Social Science Monographs. 7-24.
Wood, D. and C.T. Griffiths. 1995/1998. “Patterns of Aboriginal Crime.” In R.A. Silverman, J. Teevan, and V. Sacco. (Eds.), Crime in Canadian Society. 6th edition. Toronto: Harcourt, Brace.
Griffiths, C.T. and D. Wood. 1995. “Delinquency in Baffin Region Communities.” in J.H. Creechan and R.A. Silverman (Eds.) Canadian Delinquency. Toronto: Prentice-Hall. 321-331.
Griffiths, C.T. and C. Belleau. 1995. “Addressing Crime and Victimization in Canadian Aboriginal Communities: Revitalizing Communities, Cultures, and Traditions.” in K. Hazlehurst, (Ed.). Popular Justice and Community Regeneration: Pathways of Indigenous Reform. Westport, Connecticut/London: Praeger Press. 165-186
Griffiths, C.T., D. Wood, G. Saville, and E. Zellerer. 1994. “Crime, Law and Justice Among Inuit in the Baffin Region, N.W.T., Canada’s Preliminary Findings from a Multi-Year Study. In K. Hazlehurst, (Ed.). Legal Pluralism and the Colonial Legacy: Indigenous Experiences of Justice in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Aldershot, U.K.: Avebury Publishing. 131-158.
Griffiths, C.T. 1994. “Policing Aboriginal Peoples: The Challenge of Change.” In R.C. Macleod and D. Schneiderman, (Eds.). Police Powers in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 121-137.
Yerbury, J.C. and C.T. Griffiths. 1993. Canadian Universities and Distance Education in the Global Village.” In B. Scriven, R. Lundin and Y. Ryan. (Eds.). Distance Education for the Twenty-First Century. Oslo and Brisbane: International Council for Distance Education and Queensland University of Technology. 39-44.
Sellers, C.S., L.T. Winfree, and C.T. Griffiths. 1993. “Legal Attitudes, Permissive Norm Qualities, and Substance Use: A Comparison of American Indian and Non-Indian Youth.” 23 Journal of Drug Issues. 493-502.
Hatch, A.J. and C.T. Griffiths. 1993. “Youth Crime in Canada: Observations for Cross-Cultural Analysis.” 16 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (Special Issue on Cross Cultural Studies of Delinquency: Asia, Europe, The Americas and Beyond). 165-183.
Griffiths, C.T. and A.L. Patenaude. 1992. “The Use of Community Service Orders and Restitution in the North”. In R.A. Silverman and M.O. Nielsen. (Eds.). Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Criminal Justice. Toronto: Butterworths. 225-236.
Griffiths, C.T. and A.L. Patenaude. 1992. “Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Law.” In R.A. Silverman and M.O. Nielsen. (Eds.). Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Criminal Justice. Toronto: Butterworths. 69-78.
Patenaude, A.L., D.S. Wood and C.T. Griffiths. 1992. “Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian Correctional System: Critical Issues and The Prospects for `Localized’ Corrections.” 8 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 114-136.
Griffiths, C.T., M. Nance, A.L. Patenaude, and J.C. Coutu. 1991. “The University and Indigenous Peoples: A Model for Collaboration.” In The Role of Circumpolar Universities in Northern Development. Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of the Association of Circumpolar Universities, Thunder Bay, Ontario. November 24-26, 1989. Occasional Paper #4. Thunder Bay: Lakehead University Centre for Northern Studies. 195-202.
Griffiths, C.T. 1991. “Introduction: The Criminological Enterprise.” in M.A. Jackson and C.T. Griffiths. (Eds.). Canadian Criminology: Perspectives on Crime and Criminality. Toronto: HBJ-Holt Publishers. 3-18.
Yerbury, J.C. and C.T. Griffiths. 1991. “Minorities, Crime and the Law.” In M.A. Jackson and C.T. Griffiths. (Eds.). Canadian Criminology: Perspectives on Crime and Criminality. Toronto: HBJ-Holt Publishers. 315-346.
Griffiths, C.T. and J.C. Yerbury. 1991. “Native Indian Victims in Canada: Issues in Policy and Program Delivery.” 1 International Review of Victimology. 335-346.
Hatch, A.J. and C.T. Griffiths. 1991. “Child Saving Postponed: The Impact of the Juvenile Delinquents Act on the Processing of Young Offenders in Vancouver.” in R. Smandych, G. Dodds and A. Esau, (Eds.). Dimensions of Childhood: Essays on the History of Children and Youth in Canada. Winnipeg: Legal Research Institute, University of Manitoba. 233-266.
Griffiths, C.T. 1990. “The Use of Community Sanctions and Programs: Critical Issues, Lessons Learned and an Agenda for Change.” In Resource Materials No. 38. Wider and More Effective Implementation of Non-Custodial Measures for Offenders. Fuchu, Tokyo: United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders. 225-237.
Griffiths, C.T., M.C. Kennedy, and S. Mehanna. 1990. “Social Change, Legal Transformation & State Intervention: Youth Justice in the Arab Republic of Egypt.” In J. Hudson and B. Galaway. (Eds.)., State Intervention on Behalf of Children and Youth: Dealing with Young Persons. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Publishers. 139-149.
Griffiths, C.T. and A.L. Patenaude. 1990. “The Use of Community Service Orders in the Canadian North: The Prospects and Problems of ‘Localized’ Corrections”. In B. Galaway and J. Hudson. (Eds.). Criminal Justice Restitution and Reconciliation. Moarsey, New York: Criminal Justice Press. 145-153.
Winfree, L.T., C.T. Griffiths, and C.S. Sellers. 1989. “Social Learning Drug Use and American Indian Youth: A Cross-Cultural Test.” 6 Justice Quarterly. 395-417.
Griffiths, C.T., J.C. Yerbury, and L.F. Weafer, 1989. “The Victimization of Canadian Natives: The Consequences of Socio-Structural Deprivation.” In Ezzat Fattah. (Ed.). From Crime Policy to Victim Policy: Reorienting the Justice System. London: MacMillan Press, Ltd. 118-138.
Griffiths, C.T. 1988. “Native Indians and The Police: The Canadian Experience.” 11 Police Studies: The International Review of Police Development. 155-160.
Griffiths, C.T. 1988. “Community Corrections for Young Offenders: Proposal for a ‘Localized’ Corrections”. 12 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 219-228.
Griffiths, C.T. 1988. “Canadian Corrections: Policy and Practice North of 49.” LXVII The Prison Journal. 51-62.
Griffiths, C.T. and A.L. Patenaude. 1988. “Application of the Criminal Law to Native Indians and Inuit in the Northwest Territories, Canada.” XXII Comparative Law Review. 1-35.
Griffiths, C.T. 1988. “Community Corrections for Young Offenders: Past Lessons and Future Directions.” In Proceedings of the 5th Asian Pacific Conference on Juvenile Delinquency. Seoul: Cultural and Social Center for the Asian Pacific Region. 185-206.
Griffiths, C. T., J. C. Yerbury, and L. F. Weafer. 1987. “Canada’s Natives Victims of Socio-Structural Deprivation?” 46 Human Organization. 277-282.
Griffiths, C. T. 1986. “Addressing Juvenile Delinquency: The Role of Community-Based and Traditional Structures of Social Control”. In Proceedings of the 4th Asian-Pacific Conference on Juvenile Delinquency. Seoul: Cultural and Social Centre for the Asian-Pacific Region. 153-163.
Griffiths, C. T. 1986. Criminal Justice in Egypt: A Model Syllabi. Prepared for the 1985/86 Curriculum and Course Development Project on International Criminal Justice Systems. Sponsored by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. 13-25.
Griffiths, C.T. and M. Nance. 1986. “Beyond Advocacy: The Northern Conference as an Educational Model.” 6 Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 241-251.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. 1985. “Trends in Drug Orientation and Behavior: Changes in a Rural Community, 1975-1982.” 20 International Journal of the Addictions. 1495-1508.
Griffiths, C. T. and J. C. Yerbury. 1984. “Native Indians and Criminal Justice Policy: The Case of Native Policing.” 26 Canadian Journal of Criminology. 147-160.
Chappell, D. and C. T. Griffiths. 1984. Canadian Criminal Justice: A Model Syllabi. Prepared for the 1983/84 Curriculum and Course Development Project on International Criminal Justice Systems. Sponsored by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. 1-23.
Winterdyk, J. A. and C. T. Griffiths. 1984. “Wilderness Experience Programs: Reforming Juveniles or Beating Around the Bush?” 35 Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 35-41.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. 1983. “Social Learning and Adolescent Marijuana Use: A Trend Study of Deviant Behavior in a Rural Middle School.” 48 Rural Sociology. 219-239.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. 1983. “Youth At Risk: Marijuana Use Among Native American and Caucasian Youths.” 18 International Journal of the Addictions. 53-70.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. 1983. “Correlates of the Parole-Reparole Process: An Examination of ‘Revolving Door’ Corrections.” 29 Corrective and Social Psychiatry. 121-130.
Griffiths, C.T. and J.C. Yerbury. 1983. “Conflict and Compromise: Canadian Indigenous Peoples and the Law.” In Papers of the Symposia on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Vancouver, Canada. August 19-23, 1983. 975-1002.
Griffiths, C. T. and L. T. Winfree. 1982. “Attitudes Toward the Police: A Comparison of Canadian and American Adolescents.” 6 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 127-141.
LaPrairie, C. P. and C. T. Griffiths. 1982. “Native Indian Juvenile Delinquency: A Review of Recent Findings.” 5 Canadian Legal Aid Bulletin. 39-46.
Boyanowsky, E. O. and C. T. Griffiths. 1982. “Weapons and Eye Contact as Instigators or Inhibitors of Aggressive Arousal in Police-Citizen Interaction.” 12 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 398-407.
Griffiths, C. T. 1982. “Police School Programs: Realities of the Remedy.” 24 Canadian Journal of Criminology. 329-340.
Griffiths, C. T. 1982. “Law Enforcement-Juvenile Court Relations: The Impact on Decision Making.” 6 Criminal Justice Review. 6-13.
Winfree, L. T., H. E. Theis and C. T. Griffiths. 1981. “Drug Use in Rural America: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Complimentary Social Deviance Theories.” 12 Youth and Society. 465-489.
Griffiths, C. T., F.D. Cousineau and S. N. Verdun-Jones. 1980. “Appearance Without Counsel: Self-Representation in the Criminal Courts of the United States and Canada.” 4 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 214-231.
Verdun-Jones, S. N. and C. T. Griffiths. 1979. “Review Article: Made in Canada – Texts and Readers for Canadian Criminology and Criminal Justice Courses.” 21 Canadian Journal of Criminology. 86-104.
Balch, R. W. and C. T. Griffiths. 1978. “Official Response to the American Drug Crisis: An Examination of Erikson’s Constancy Hypothesis.” 1 The California Sociologist. 15-38.
Simkus, A. A., E. L. Hall and C. T. Griffiths. 1978. “Parole Board Decisions and the Severity of Punishment: A Critical Re-examination of the Evidence.” Chapter 17 in The New and the Old Criminology. E. E. Flynn and J. P. Conrad. (Eds.). New York: Praeger Publishers. 285-298.
Griffiths, C. T., E. L. Hall and L. T. Winfree. 1977. “Parole Survival Among Native Americans and Whites: An Empirical Assessment of Factors Related to Parole Outcome.” Chapter 10 in Treating the Offender: Problems and Issues. In M. Riedel and P. Vales. (Eds.). New York: Praeger. 109-121.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. 1977. “Adolescent Attitudes Toward the Police: A Survey of High School Students.” Chapter 5 in Juvenile Delinquency: Little Brother Grows Up. T. N. Ferdinand. (Ed.). Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications. 79-99.
Balch, R.W., C. T. Griffiths, E. L. Hall and L. T. Winfree. 1976. “The Socialization of Jurors: The Voir Dire as a Rite of Passage”. The Journal of Criminal Justice. 271-290.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. 1975. “An Examination of Factors Related to the Parole Survival of American Indians”. 20 The Plains Anthropologist. 311-319.
Taillieu, T., T.O. Afifi, S. Turner, R.N. Carleton, A. Vaughan, G.S. Anderson, R. Krakauer, R.S. MacPhee, R. Ricciardelli, H. A. Cramm, D. Groll, C.T. Griffiths, E.A. Donnelly, and D.R. McCreary. “Traumatic Exposures, Occupational Stressors, and Mental Disorder Symptoms Among Canadian Public Safety Personnel.” Paper presented at the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, October 15-17, 2018. Regina.
Griffiths, C.T. “Civilianization, Privatization, and the Economics of Police Officers.” Presented to the meetings of the Canadian Police Association, Vancouver, August, 28-30, 2018.
Griffiths, C.T. 2018. “Police Oversight and Accountability: A Closer Look.” Presented to the meetings of the Canadian Police Association, Vancouver, August 28-30, 2018.
Griffiths, C.T. 2018. “Research-Informed Police Education: Challenges and Opportunities.” Presented to the meetings of the Canadian Association of Police Educators, Chilliwack, B.C., June, 2018.
Griffiths, C.T. 2018. “The Changing Landscape of Canadian Policing: Impact and Implications for Canadian Police Officers,” Keynote presentation to the meetings of the Canadian Police Association, Ottawa, April 18.
Griffiths, C.T. “Sex Offending on Transit.” Chair. Policing Moving Cities. Conference held in Vancouver, May, 2017.
Griffiths, C.T. and N. Pollard. “The Police Organization as a Stressor for Police Officers: Findings from a Canadian Multi-Site Study.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, November, 2016.
Griffiths, C.T. “Strategic Approaches to Challenges.” Keynote presentation to the meetings of the Canadian Police Association, Charlottetown, September, 2016.
Griffiths, C.T. “Getting Ahead of the Curve: Challenges and Opportunities for Police Associations.” Keynote presentation made to the annual meetings of the Canadian Police Association, Ottawa, March, 2016.
Griffiths, C.T. and S. Rai. “The Khalsa Diwan Society Community Police Office: A Case Study of Community Policing in a Multi-Cultural Society.” Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, March, 2016.
Pollard, N., C.T. Griffiths, and L. Kitt. “The Mental Health of Police Officers:
Findings from a Health and Wellness Survey. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Society of Criminology, Vancouver, February, 2016.
Griffiths, C.T. “Integration within the Economics of Policing.” Keynote presentation to the Edmonton Police Service and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Integration Workshop. Edmonton, January, 2016.
Murphy, J.J. and C.T. Griffiths. “Back from the Abyss: The State of Police Research in Canada.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November, 2015.
Pollard, N., and C.T. Griffiths. “Estimating Staffing for Investigative Units: Homicide.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 2014.
Murphy, J.J., C.T. Griffiths, and N. Pollard. “A Safe Journey? Exploring User’s Perceptions of Safety on British Columbia’s SkyTrain Through the Use of Student-Administered Surveys.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 2014.
Pollard, N., C.T. Griffiths, and L. Kitt. “Police Officer Health And Wellness: Findings from a Large Urban Canadian Police Service.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 2014.
Griffiths, C.T. and A. Palmer. “The Vancouver Police Department Operational Review: Nine Years Later.” Pesented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Association of Police Governance, Halifax, August, 2014.
Griffiths, C.T. “The State of Police Research in Canada,” Presented at the National Policing Research Symposium, Vancouver, March, 2014 (invited keynote)
Griffiths, C.T. and T. Statmatakis. “Breaking Down Silos: The Development of Strategic Partnerships in a Time of Fiscal Restraint,” Presented at the annual meeting of the British Columbia Association of Police Boards, Oak Bay, BC, February, 2014.
Pollard, N. and C.T. Griffiths. “Methods for Analyzing Police Patrol Strength,” Presented at the Annual meetings of the Western Society of Criminology, Honolulu, February, 2014.
Griffiths, C.T. and T. Stamatakis. “On-Line Education and Training and the Economics of Policing: Issues and Strategies,” Presented at the Police Education and Learning Summit, Public Safety Canada, Charlottetown, PEI, September 17-18, 2013.
Griffiths, C.T. and V. White. “Crime and Criminal Justice in the Canadian North: Challenges and Opportunities.” Presented at the meetings of the International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Florence, Italy. April, 2013.
Griffiths, C.T. 2012. “Policing in Northern and Remote Communities: Research Findings and the Implications for Policy and Practice.” Presented at the conference Policing in Northern and Remote Communities, Whitehorse, September, 2012.
Griffiths, C.T. 2008. “Police Leadership Amidst Changing Landscapes: Challenges and Opportunities.” Presented to the RCMP Regional Executive Committee Meeting, Regina, Saskatchewan, September, 2008.
Griffiths, C.T. 2008. “Strategic Planning Processes: History and Evolution in Policing.” Presented at the “K” Division Planning Conference, Banff, Alberta, September, 2008.
Griffiths, C.T. 2008. “Measuring What Can’t be Measured: The Challenges of First Nations Policing.” Presented to the First Nations Chiefs of Police Association Annual General Assembly, “Inspiring Our Leaders.” Victoria, B.C., June, 2008.
Griffiths, C.T. 2008. “Cost, Accountability, and Community.” A panel presented at the forum on Regionalization of Police Services in the Greater Vancouver Region. Vancouver, February, 2008.
Griffiths, C.T. “The External and Internal Landscapes of Policing.” Presented to the Senior Police Administrators Course (SPAC), presented by the Professional Development Centre for Aboriginal Policing (PDCAP), Canadian Police College, November, 2007 (Invited Facilitator)
Griffiths, C.T. “Effective Police Organizations: Meeting the Challenges of the Internal Organizational Environment and the External Environment.” Presented to the Senior Police Administrators Course (SPAC), Canadian Police College, October, 2007. (Invited Facilitator))
Griffiths, C.T., “Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures in Policing: The “Why Tos” and the “How Tos.” Presented at the “K” Division Planning Conference, Cochrane, Alberta, September 19-21, 2007. (Invited Facilitator)
Griffiths, C.T. “Police Performance and Police Resources.” Presented to “K” Division, Edmonton, Alberta, June 28th, 2007.(Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Acquiring and Managing Police Resources.” Presented to RCMP “K” Division POWPM, Jasper, Alberta, May 3rd , 2007. (Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, and D. Murdoch. “The Social Reintegration of Offenders and Crime Prevention.” Presented at the 16th Commission on Crime Prevention, Vienna. April, 2007.
Griffiths, C.T. “Major Challenges in Canadian Policing.” Presented to the roundtable on the “Future of Policing in Alberta.” Red Deer, Alberta, March, 2007.
Dandurand, Y., C.T. Griffiths, and D. LePard. “Are Police Crackdowns All They’re Cracked Up To Be? The Vancouver Police Department’s City-wide Enforcement Team Initiative.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, March, 2007.
Riordan, H. and C.T. Griffiths. “The Deployment of Police Investigative Units: Critical Issues and a Template for Assessing Performance.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, March, 2007.
Griffiths, C.T. “Effective Police Organizations: Meeting the Challenges of the Internal Organizational Environment and the External Environment.” Presented to the Senior Police Administrators Course (SPAC), Canadian Police College, February, 2007. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. and L. Elliott. 2006. “The Application of Restorative Justice in Canada: An Overview.” Presented to the Vietnamese Study Tour, University College of the Fraser Valley, December, 2006.
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, V. Chin, and D. Murdoch. “Assessing the Need for Police Reform in the Context of Good Governance and International Cooperation.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, November, 2006.
Griffiths, C.T. “Effective Police Organizations: Meeting the Challenges of the Internal Organizational Environment and the External Environment.” Presented to the Senior Police Administrators Course (SPAC), Canadian Police College, June, 2006. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “A Strategic Plan for Police-Community Partnerships: Issues and Implementation.” Presented to the Senior Management Team, Limburg-Zuid Regional Police, Maastricht, Netherlands, December, 2005. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Building Sustainable Police-Community Partnerships: Core Components of a Strategic Plan.” Presented to Board of Public Safety, District Sittard, Region Limburg-Zuid, Netherlands. December, 2005. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “The Shapes and Sizes of Restorative Justice.” Presented to the Jamaican Restorative Justice Study Tour, Toronto and Ottawa. November 10-21, 2005. Sponsored by CIDA and the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy. (Invited Presenter and Project Team Member)
Griffiths, C.T. “Restorative and Community Justice and the Prevention and Resolution of Personal and Intercommunal Conflicts.” Presented at the Symposium on Inter-Communal Violence. Washington State University. February, 2005. (Invited Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “The Police and Restorative Justice Practices: Experiences, Issues, and Challenges.” Presented on the panel “Restorative Justice: Theory and Practice Among Criminal Justice Professionals.” The Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service and Washington State University. April 29, 2004. (Invited Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Risk Assessment Instruments in Community Corrections: The Perils and the Promise.” Workshop presented to the directors and staff of the National Probation Service, Riga, Latvia. May 18, 2004. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Community and Restorative Justice: Lessons Learned and a Way Forward.” Presented to the Tsawwassen Indian Band. December, 2003. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Racial Profiling and Diversity in Policing: Examining the Evidence.” Presented to the annual Police and Diversity Forum. Justice Institute of British Columbia. April, 2003. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Racial Profiling: Issues, Challenges, and the Need for Research.” Presented to the annual meetings of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police, Vancouver, February, 2003. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T., Y. Dandurand, and B. Tkachuk. “Implementing International Standards in Corrections: Challenges, Strategies, and Outcomes.” Presented at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Expert Group Meeting on the Application of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, February 10-12, 2003. Burgenland, Austria.
Verma, A., E. Nickles, D. King, C.T. Griffiths, and C. Murphy. “Police Culture: A Product of Policing or Society?” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2002.
Griffiths, C.T. “Policing in Canada.” Presented to senior Dutch police officers enrolled in the Master of Public Administration Program, Netherlands School of Public Administration, Vancouver, August, 2001; 2002. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Issues and Pre-requisites for the Development of a National Probation Service.” Presented to the Ministry of Justice, Republic of Latvia, Riga. May, 2002. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Restorative Justice and Young Offenders in Canada.” Presented to the Workshop on Youth Justice Strategy, Communicating Alternative Measures Conference, Reiterna Nams, Riga, Latvia. February, 2002. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “The Role of the Judiciary in the Development and Implementation of Restorative Justice Practices.” Presented to the meeting of the Latvian Judges, The Latvian Judicial Training Center, Riga, Latvia. February, 2002. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “The Principles and Practice of Restorative Justice with At Risk Youth.” Presented to the Communicating Alternative Measures Conference, Reitnerna Nams, Riga, Latvia. February, 2002. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “Parole Appeals and Outcomes.” Presented to the annual training session of the B.C. Board of Parole, Vancouver, November, 2001. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Wood, D. and C.T. Griffiths. “Strangers in a Strange Land: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the Eastern Arctic, N.W.T. Canada.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Albuquerque, March, 1998.
Griffiths, C.T. and R.R. Corrado. “Restorative Youth Justice in Canada: Governments, Communities, and the Dynamics of Reform.” Presented at the Conference on Restorative Juvenile Justice, Leuven, Belgium. May, 1997.
Griffiths, C.T. “Cultural and Ethnic Issues in Restorative Justice: Considering Community Dynamics.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology. Chicago, November, 1996.
Griffiths, C.T. “Community and Restorative Justice in Canada: The Experience of Aboriginal Communities.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR). Anaheim. October, 1996.
Griffiths, C.T. “Leadership and Community Solutions to Violence and Drug Abuse.” Workshop presented to the South District Youth Camp, Youth Against Drugs and Violence of Grand Bay. Scotts Head Primary School, Commonwealth of Dominica, August 11th, 1996. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. “The Philosophy, Policy, and Practice of Justice Devolution: An Overview.” Presented to the workshop Putting Aboriginal Justice Devolution into Practice: The Canadian and International Experience. Vancouver. July, 1995.
Griffiths, C.T. “Crime, Criminal Justice, and Law Reform Among Inuit in the Baffin Region, N.W.T., Canada.” Presented to the workshop Law and Law Reforms in Greenland, hosted by the Greenlandic Justice Commission, Aarhus University, Arhus, Denmark. January, 1995. (invited presenter)
Griffiths, C.T. and T. Mahon. “Research and Police Practice in Aboriginal Policing.” Presented to the seminar Police and Academics: Effective Research Partnerships. Vancouver, January, 1995. (Invited Keynote Presenter)
Bazemore, G. and C.T. Griffiths. “Citizen Involvement in Aboriginal and Urban Community Justice: Some Parallels.” presented in the session Community Intervention with Native Populations of North America. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, April, 1995.
Wood, D.S. and C.T. Griffiths. “The Lost Generation: Inuit Youth in Transition to Adulthood.” Presented to the Research and Policy Symposium: Research on Youth in Transition to Adulthood. Kananaskis, Alberta, April, 1995. (Invited Keynote Presenters)
Griffiths, C.T. and Murphy, C. “Police Culture in Canada. Preliminary Findings from the International Comparative Study of Policing.” Presented in the session Police Culture in Canada, Japan, the United States and India. American Society of Criminology meetings, Miami, November, 1994.
Griffiths, C.T. and R. Hamilton. “Sanctions and Healing: Restorative Justice in Canadian Aboriginal Communities.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Chicago, March, 1994.
Griffiths, C.T. and C. Belleau. “Restoration, Reconciliation and Healing–The Revitalization of Culture and Tradition in Addressing Crime and Victimization in Aboriginal Communities.” Presented in the seminar The Development of Victimology and Its Impact on Criminal Justice Policy at the 11th International Congress on Criminology, Budapest, August, 1993.
Persons, H. and C.T. Griffiths. “Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Distance Education Students Through Telephone Seminars.” Presented at the 16th World Conference of the International Council for Distance Education, Bangkok, Thailand, November, 1992.
Yerbury, J.C. and C.T. Griffiths. “Canadian Universities and Distance Education in the Global Village.” Presented at the 16th World Conference of the International Council for Distance Education. Bangkok, Thailand. November, 1992.
Griffiths, C.T. “Canadian Police Organizations: Surviving the Future?” Presented at the Police Powers Symposium, Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta. October, 1991.
Griffiths, C.T. “Policing in the Baffin Region, N.W.T.: Research Update.” Presented to the Aboriginal Police Research Working Group. Solicitor General of Canada, Ottawa. September, 1991.
Hatch, A.J. and C.T. Griffiths. “Canadian Youth Crime Trends: Observations for Cross-Cultural Analysis.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 1991.
Griffiths, C.T., C. Murphy, and N. Tomita. “Police Culture in Canada and Japan: Myths and Realities.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 1991.
Griffiths, C.T. and A.L. Patenaude. “Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian Correctional System: Critical Issues and the Prospects for ‘Localized’ Corrections.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Nashville, March, 1991.
Winfree, L.T., C.S. Sellers, and C.T. Griffiths. “Norm Qualities and the Law: A Comparison of the Legal Attitudes of American Indian and Caucasian Youth.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Nashville, March, 1991.
Griffiths, C.T. “Critical Issues in the Delivery of Justice Services to Inuit Communities in the Canadian North.” Presented at the Seventh Inuit Studies Conference, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, August, 1990.
Griffiths, C.T. Series of papers Presented to the 85th International Training course, Wider Use and More Effective Implementation of Non-Custodial Measures for Offenders. United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders. Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan. May – June 1990: “Community Sanctions and Programs in Canada: Structure and Process.”; The Use of Community Sanctions and Programs: Critical Issues, Lessons Learned, and an Agenda for Change.”;”Toward the 21st Century: Reform and Innovation in the Use of Community Sanctions.”
Griffiths, C.T. “Criminal Justice in the Canadian North: Issues and Suggestions for Change.” Presented to the faculty and students, Department of Human Sciences, Tokiwa University, Mito, Japan. May, 1990.
Hatch, A. and C.T. Griffiths. “Implementation of the Juvenile Delinquents Act in Vancouver: A Case of Delayed Response.” Presented at the Multidisciplinary Workshop on Historical Research Concerning Children and Youth in Canada. University of Manitoba Faculty of Law, Winnipeg, February, 1990.
Griffiths, C.T., M. Nance, A.L. Patenaude, and J.-C. Coutu. “The University and Indigenous People: A Model for Collaboration.” Presented at The Role of Circumpolar Universities in Northern Development, Centre for Northern Studies, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, November, 1989.
Griffiths, C.T. and M.C. Kennedy. “Social Change, Legal Transformation and State Intervention: Youth Justice in the Arab Republic of Egypt.” Presented at the Advanced Research Workshop, State Intervention on Behalf of Children and Youth. Sponsored by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, February. 1989. (invited presenter).
Griffiths, C.T. “Crime and Criminal Justice Among the Inuit: Current Issues and Initiatives.” Presented at the Sixth Inuit Studies Conference. Institut for Eskimologi Kobenhavns Universitet. Copenhagen, October, 1988.
Griffiths, C.T. and A.L. Patenaude. “The Use of Community Service Orders and Restitution in the Canadian North: The Prospects and Problems of ‘Localized’ Corrections”. Presented at the International Symposium on Restitution and Community Service Sentencing. Minneapolis. June, 1988.
Griffiths, C.T. and J.C. Yerbury. “The Delivery of Criminal Justice Services to Canada’s North: Problems and Prospects.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa, April. 1988.
Griffiths, C.T. “Young Offenders and Community Corrections – Past Lessons and Future Directions”. Presented at the Fifth Asian-Pacific Conference on Juvenile Delinquency, Taipei, Taiwan. December, 1987. (Invited presenter – key note address).
Griffiths, C.T. “The Application of the Canadian Criminal Law to Native Indians and Inuit.” Presented to the faculty and graduate students: The Institute of Comparative Law in Japan; Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan; College of Law, Kinki University, Osaka, Japan; Department of Human Sciences, Tokiwa University, Mito, Japan. December, 1987.
Griffiths, C.T. “Crisis in Corrections: The North American Experience.” Presented to the faculty and students, Department of Human Sciences, Tokiwa University, Mito, Japan. June, 1986.
Griffiths, C.T. “Juvenile Justice in Canada: The Realities of Reform.” Presented to the faculty and students, Department of Human Sciences, Tokiwa University, Mito, Japan. June, 1986.
Griffiths, C.T. “A Computer on Every Desk…: The Impact of New Technology on the University”. Presented in the workshop Technology and Post-Secondary Education during the Conference, Designing Our Own Future: Labour, Education, and Community Perspectives on New Technology. Vancouver, March, 1986.
Griffiths, C.T. “The Delivery of Justice Services in the Canadian Arctic: Conflict and Compromise”. Presented to Montana Sociology: A Colloquium in Honor of Gordon Browder and His Students. University of Montana, Missoula, April, 1986.
Griffiths, C. T. “Addressing Delinquency: The Role of Community-Based and Traditional Structures of Social Control.” Presented at the Fourth Asian-Pacific Conference on Juvenile Delinquency, Tokyo/Kobe, Japan, November, 1985. (Invited presenter)
Griffiths, C. T. and A. Hatch. “Media Images and Juvenile Delinquency in Societies in Transition: Critical Concerns and Implications for Research.” Presented at the Fourth Tokiwa International Seminar, Tokiwa University, Ibaraki, Japan, November, 1985. (Invited presenter)
Griffiths, C. T. and M. Nance. Beyond Advocacy: The Northern Conference as an Educational Model.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Indian/Native Studies Association, Peterborough, Ontario, November, 1985.
Griffiths, C. T., M. C. Kennedy, and S. Mehanna. “Traditional and Adjudicative Social Control in Egypt: The Impact of Social Change and Legal Transformation.” Presented at the annual meetings of the International Sociological Association, Aix en Provence, France. August, 1985.
Griffiths, C. T. “Teaching the Canadian Criminal Justice System: Comparative and Ideological Approaches.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Las Vegas, April, 1985.
Griffiths, C.T. “Native Indians and the Criminal Justice System in Canada-Alaska: The Case for Applied Criminology.” Presented to the faculty and graduate students, Department of Sociology, University of New Mexico, March, 1985 (National Institute of Mental Health Program.)
Griffiths, C. T. “Policing in Saanich Municipality: A Review of Environmental and Organizational Considerations Related to Police Productivity.” Presented on behalf of the Saanich Police Officers Association, interest arbitration hearing, Victoria, B. C. August, 1984.
Winfree, L.T. and C.T. Griffiths. “Trends in Drug Orientation and Behavior: Changes in a Rural Community, 1975-1982.” Presented at the annual meeting at the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Antonio, August, 1984.
Griffiths, C. T. “The Use and Effectiveness of Community Liaison Programs and Community Accountability Panels.” Presented at the meetings of the Northern Conference, Circuit and Rural Court Justice in the North. Yellowknife, N.W.T. March, 1984.
Griffiths, C. T. “Issues in Northern Justice Research.” Presented at the meetings of The Northern Conference Circuit and Rural Court Justice in the North. Yellowknife, N.W.T. March, 1984.
Griffiths, C. T. “What Works? A Critical Examination of Police Crime Prevention Programs in North America.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Denver, November, 1983.
Griffiths, C. T. and J. C. Yerbury. “Conflict and Compromise: Canadian Indigenous Peoples and the Law.” Presented at the Symposium on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, XIIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Vancouver. August, 1983.
Griffiths, C. T., J. C. Yerbury and L. F. Weafer. “Victimization of the Canadian Native: The Consequences of Socio-Structural Deprivation.” Presented at the 33rd International Course in Criminology, International Society of Criminology, Victims of Crime. Vancouver. March, 1983.
Griffiths, C. T. “Ethnic, Cultural, and Regional Factors in the Creation of a National Prison Education Core Curriculum Project.” Presented at the Prison Education Core Curriculum Project, Bowen Island, B. C. November, 1982.
Griffiths, C. T. and J. C. Yerbury. “The Delivery of Criminal Justice Services to Native Indians: Reconsidering the Issues.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November, 1982.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. “Marijuana and Alcohol Use in a Rural Middle School: A Trend Study of Drug Use by the Very Young.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November, 1981.
Griffiths, C. T. and C. P. LaPrairie. “Socio-Structural Determinants of Native Indian Delinquency.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November, 1981.
Griffiths, C. T. and L. T. Winfree. “Attitudes Toward the Police: A Comparison of Canadian and American Adolescents.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November, 1981.
Griffiths, C. T. “Adolescent Attitudes Toward the Police: A Critical Review of the Literature and the Police Response.” Presented at the National Advanced Research Course on Juvenile Justice. Powell River, B.C., May, 1981.
Griffiths, C. T. and C. P. LaPrairie. “Native Indian Juvenile Delinquency in A Northwest British Columbia Community: A Summary of the Research and Its Policy Implications.” Presented at the National Advanced Research Course on Juvenile Justice. Powell River, B.C., May, 1981.
Winfree, L. T., H. E. Theis and C. T. Griffiths. “Drug Use in Rural America: A Cross Cultural Examination of Complimentary Social Deviance Theories.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, November, 1980.
Griffiths, C. T. and C. P. LaPrairie. “Native Indian Delinquency in the British Columbia Interior: The Research and Its Implications.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, November, 1980.
Griffiths, C.T. “Critical Issues for Policing in the 1980’s” Presented at the Justice Institute of British Columbia.” Vancouver, June, 1980.
Griffiths, C.T. “Whatever Happened to Dragnet? A Critical Look at Policing in the 80’s.” Presented at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Vancouver, February, 1980.
Griffiths, C. T. and I. Ross. “Street Prostitution: New Questions About an Old Profession.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, November, 1979.
Winfree, L. T., C. T. Griffiths and H. E.Theis. “Peers, Parents, and Risk-Taking: Correlates of Marijuana Use Among Rural Adolescents.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-South Sociological Association. Memphis, October, 1979.
Griffiths, C.T. “The Criminal, the Victim, and the Police.” Presented at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Vancouver, June, 1979.
Griffiths, C. T., F. D. Cousineau and S.N. Verdun-Jones. “Self Representation and Paralegals in the Criminal Court: Do You Always Need a Lawyer?” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Cincinnati, March, 1979.
Theis, H. E., C. T. Griffiths and L. T. Winfree. “Correlates of the Parole-Reparole Process in a Rural Setting: An Examination of ‘Revolving Door’ Corrections.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Dallas, November, 1978.
Winfree, L. T., C. T. Griffiths and H. E. Theis. “Drugs, Ethnicity, and the Impact of Social Control Mechanisms: Drug Use in a Rural School System.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, September, 1978.
Griffiths, C.T. “Politics and Negotiation in Survey Research.” Presented at the Department of Sociology, University of Montana, Missoula, May, 1978.
Griffiths, C. T. “The Native Indian Offender in the Criminal Justice System: Some Critical Comments.” Presented in the Roundtable Discussion, Native Indians and Institutional Conflict at the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Spokane, April, 1978.
Griffiths, C. T. “Native Americans in the Criminal Justice System: The Research and Its Implications.” Presented at the 9th annual Kyi-Yo Indian Conference, Missoula, May, 1977.
Griffiths, C. T. “Police-Juvenile Court Relations: The Impact on Decision Making.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Social Science Association. Denver, May, 1977.
Griffiths, C. T. “Sources of Variability in Juvenile Court Decision Making.” Presented at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, January, 1977.
Winfree, L. T. and C. T. Griffiths. “The Determinants of Adolescent Attitudes Toward the Police: A Survey of Urban and Rural High School Students.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Tucson, November, 1976.
Balch, R. W., C. T. Griffiths, E. L. Hall and L. T. Winfree. “The Socialization of Jurors: The Voir Dire as a Rite of Passage.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Social Science Association, Tempe, April, 1976.
Griffiths, C. T. and L. T. Winfree. “An Examination of the Factors Related to the Parole Survival of American Indians.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Social Science Association, Denver, May, 1975.
Balch, R. W. and C. T. Griffiths. “Official Response to the American Drug Crisis: An Examination of Erickson’s Constancy Hypothesis.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Victoria, April, 1975.
Simkus, A. A., E. L. Hall and C. T. Griffiths. “Parole Board Decisions and the Severity of Punishment: A Critical Re-examination of the Evidence.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 1975.
Griffiths, C. T. and E. L. Hall. “Social Isolation Among Rural Sheriff’s Deputies.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Anthropology and Sociology, Banff, Alberta, December, 1973.
Griffiths, C. T., E. L. Hall and L. T. Winfree. “Parole Survival Among Native Americans and Whites: An Empirical Assessment of Factors Related to Parole Outcome.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New York, November, 1973.
Co-Chair, Colloquium on International Law Enforcement and Prosecutorial Cooperation. Co-sponsored by the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, University College of the Fraser Valley, and Simon Fraser University. Vancouver, November 14, 2006.
Member, Expert Group Meeting to Review Handbook of Basic Principles and Promising Practices on Alternatives to Imprisonment, Criminal Justice Reform Unit, Rule of Law Section, UNODC, Vienna, October 31-November 1, 2005.
Member. Board of Directors. South Asian Interactive.
Mentor, the Netherlands School of Public Administration Executive M.A. Program. The Hague.
Program Moderator. The David and Cecilia Ting Program in Advanced Public Affairs. 1996-2000.
Member. Program Committee. New Developments in Indigenous Justice. Workshop presented at the Commonwealth Law Conference. Vancouver, August, 1996.
Member. Program Committee. Modern Indigenous Justice and Community Development. Vancouver, February, 1997.
Co-Organizer. Putting Aboriginal Justice Devolution into Practice: The Canadian and International Experience. A workshop Co-sponsored by the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University and the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy. Vancouver. July, 1995.
Member Program Committee. Policy and Practice Workshop on the Application of Indigenous Helping Practices to Industrial Societies. Quito, Ecuador, Fall, 1995.
Co-founder and member. Executive Committee. The Northern Justice Society. 1983-1999.
Member. Program Committee. Policing in the Global Community: The Challenge of Leadership. February, 1992.
Co-Chair. Crime and Criminal Justice in Northern Communities. Session presented at the Seventh Inuit Studies Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska, August, 1990.
Co-Chair. Program Committee. Crime and Criminal Justice in Canada and Japan: Understanding Our Differences. Vancouver, July 24-29, 1989.
Discussant. The Reintegration of Offenders Into Society. Session presented during the symposium Crime and Criminal Justice in Canada and Japan: Understanding Our Differences. Vancouver, July 1989.
Co-Chair. (with Professor N. Tomita, Tokiwa University, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan). Simon Fraser University, School of Criminology and Tokiwa University Student Exchange Program. Vancouver, July 24-29, 1989.
Chairperson. Crime and Criminal Justice Among the Inuit: Current Issues and Initiatives. Workshop presented at the Sixth Inuit Studies Conference, Copenhagen, October, 1988.
Member. Program Committee. Northern Crime: Analysis and Solutions. Held in Thompson, Manitoba, March, 1989.
Member. Program Committee. The Community and Northern Justice. Program presented by the Northern Conference in Whitehorse, Yukon, March, 1987.
Discussant. Recent Trends in Female Delinquency in Japan. Session presented at the 4th Asian-Pacific Conference on Juvenile Delinquency. Tokyo/Kobe, Japan. November, 1985.
Member. Program Committee. Northern Youth in Crisis: The Challenge for Justice. Program presented by The Northern Conference in Val d’Or, Quebec. November, 1985.
Member. Program Committee. Circuit and Rural Court Justice in the North. Program presented by the Northern Conference in Yellowknife, N.W.T. March, 1984.
Chairperson. Native Policing – The Role of the Special Constables, Public Safety Officers, and Autonomous Police Forces. Session presented at the meetings of The Northern Conference, Circuit and Rural Court Justice in the North. Yellowknife, N.W.T. March, 1984.
Discussant. Rural Crime and Criminal Justice. Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Denver, November, 1983.
Chairperson. International Perspectives on Policing. Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Denver, November, 1983.
Chairperson. Minorities as Victims. Seminar presented at the 33rd International Course in Criminology, Victims of Crime. Vancouver, March, 1983.
Chairperson. Criminology and Public Policy. Session presented at the Department of Criminology symposium Issues in Criminology. Simon Fraser University. Burnaby, April, 1982.
Chairperson. Issues and Policy in Corrections. Session presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Philadelphia, March, 1981.
Chairperson. Native North Americans, the Law, and Criminal Justice Policy. Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November, 1982.
Chairperson. Politics and Correctional Policy. Session presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Philadelphia, March, 1981.
Chairperson. Native Indian Juvenile Delinquency. Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, November, 1980.
Chairperson. Research on Prostitution. Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, November, 1979.
Co-chair. Program Committee. The Female Offender: An International Symposium. Vancouver, January, 1979.
Chairperson. Native North Americans and the Law: Contemporary Issues. Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Dallas, November, 1978.
School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 1977-present.
Mentor, Netherlands School of Public Administration (NSOB) Master of Public Administration Program. The Hague. 2002-present.
Instructor, Native Education Society, Vancouver, British Columbia. January – April, 1993.
Instructor, Secwepemc Aboriginal Cultural Society, Kamloops, British Columbia. January – April, 1992.
Instructor. Department of Sociology. University of Montana. Missoula, Montana.
Instructor. Montana State Prison, Deer Lodge, Montana. Prison Education Program. Courses taught on campus and at the Montana State Prison in Deer Lodge. 1975-1977.
COURSES TAUGHT: Introduction to Criminology; Criminology of Particular Groups; Introduction to Corrections; Advanced Issues in Corrections; Correctional Management and Planning; Recent Developments in Corrections (graduate) Decision Making in Criminal Justice; Introduction to Policing; Advanced Issues in Policing; Youth and the Law; Juvenile Delinquency; Aboriginal Peoples, Crime and Criminal Justice; Indigenous Peoples and State Law (graduate);Current Perspectives on Policing (graduate); Qualitative Research Methods (graduate); Policing: Issues and Perspectives (graduate); Directed Readings; Directed Studies; M.A. and Ph.D. dissertation supervision.
Scholarly Journals, Associations, and Organizations
Member, Editorial Board. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal.
Member, Editorial Board. International Review of Victimology.
Associate Editor, International Criminal Justice Review.
Advisor, Minister of Justice, Republic of Latvia.
Project Assessor, Law and Social Science Program, National Science Foundation.
Member, British Columbia Board of Parole, 2000-2005